Wholefood cuisine

Healthy nutrition is the key to well-being. When a meal is deliciously prepared, it also puts people in a good mood and boosts their motivation. Wholefood cuisine and organic vegetable growing have a long tradition at Sedus – much to the delight of the employees.

The company restaurants

Everything is made fresh in the Sedus company restaurants, “Oase” in Dogern and “Loft” in Geseke. As early as the 1950s, Emma Stoll began providing lunch for the employees of the Waldshut-based company. In the 1960s, Emma Stoll began to take an interest in wholefood, which favours raw food over cooked, plant-based food over meat, and carbohydrates over protein. Thus, she changed the nutrition plan for the employees. To this day, staff benefit from tasty and healthy wholefood meals in the company restaurants.

What happens when they’re not at lunch? Once again, Sedus provides healthy treats. Employees can help themselves to apples and the popular vegetable broth, prepared according to Emma Stoll's recipe, at a number of locations within the company – free of charge, of course.

The Eulenhof

It was also in the 1950s that Emma Stoll began growing biodynamic vegetables for the Sedus kitchen, initially in Waldshut and from the 1960s onwards on the company premises in Dogern. In 2006, the Sedus company garden nursery became the “Eulenhof” (owl farm in German) with its now very varied range significantly larger cultivation area. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Sedus Smart Office in Dogern, Eulenhof supplies the company restaurant every day, ensuring a varied and healthy menu.


The Sedus Wholefood Cookbook

A wholefood diet has long been recognised as a healthy form of nutrition and is a welcome antidote in a fast-paced and consumer-oriented world. To mark the 100th birthday of Emma Stoll, we published the Sedus Cookbook “100 wholefood recipes in honour of 100 years of Emma Stoll”.

The recipes in the cookbook have been tested and refined over decades. When recreating the various dishes, it became clear that wholefood cuisine is no more complex or difficult than conventional cooking. Quite the opposite: you quickly learn to appreciate the ease of use of fresh fruit, vegetables and many other valuable ingredients.

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