Light and dark accents, contrasts and colour combinations all play a significant role in the working environment. Our limbic system processes all of that and stores our associations and emotions. With THE LIMBIC OFFICE approach, we embark on a journey of discovery to understand how the individual living space can be designed to be versatile and to give expression of your own personality.

Room and colour design in the company and in the home office

Effective work is possible when the room reflects the personality. This includes the office space in the company as well as the workplace at home. For this purpose, two different questionnaires have been created to help identify and understand the Limbic Code.

Click through the first questionnaire if you want to know which limbic type you are and how a coordinated design can organise your home office in a positive way.

Answer the second questionnaire if you are interested in individual colour design in your company. Because a careful approach to the topics of colour and material can stimulate the creativity of employees and create a positive working environment.

The following questions deal with the topic of home, working and living. Which statements are most applicable to you and your working methods or environment? You will find a number of statements under each question. Please select one of the possible answers for each question. You will find the results at the end of the questionnaire.

The following questions deal with the topic of working and atmosphere. Which statements are most applicable to your company and your working philosophy or environment? You will find a number of statements under each question. Please select one of the possible answers for each question. You will find the results at the end of the questionnaire.

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