The company history of Sedus, spanning more than 150 years, is characterised by a pioneering spirit – whether in terms of ergonomics, manufacturing processes or sustainability. In our current understanding, sustainability means to protect the essential foundations of life for people today and for the future generations, so that everyone can live in an environmentally, socially and economically intact world. This holistic approach determines the way we think and act at Sedus.

Three perspectives:
social, ecological & economic
The understanding of sustainability at Sedus is based on the three pillars of social, ecological and economic aspects, because only with these can a company develop in the long term.
Discover the measures, projects and backgrounds behind the individual segments:

Social responsibility
Community involvement is deeply rooted in the corporate structure of Sedus.

Environmental principles characterise business activities and production at Sedus.

For Sedus, acting economically means operating in a forward-thinking and sustainable manner.

Vision of a future worth living
*The objective is ambitious, yet clear: By 2025, Sedus aims to be CO₂ neutral at its administrative and production sites.
Driven by the vision of a sustainable future, Sedus is continuously developing innovations that are both environmentally friendly and optimised for people. The high-quality and intelligent workplace solutions are designed to enable everyone to fully develop their potential and achieve extraordinary things as part of a team. For this reason, Sedus attaches particular importance to individual needs, requirements and expectations.
As a leading company, Sedus bears great responsibility – for its employees, customers and the planet. For Sedus, sustainable management means living a holistic approach that protects the foundations for tomorrow's life, today. After all: We really care.

Profits support social projects
A large proportion of the profits made by Sedus is channelled into two charitable foundations. In 1985, Emma and Christof Stoll started the Stoll VITA Foundation to regulate the company's succession and ensure the continuation of their lifelong commitment. The foundation is devoted to the promotion of scientific research, public health care, education, environmental protection and nature conservation. The merger with Gesika Büromöbelwerk GmbH in 2002 resulted in the addition of the Karl Bröcker Foundation. Its focus lies on educational projects as well as medical and therapeutic projects and facilities for children in Germany and abroad.
Sustainability report
Sedus takes a holistic view of sustainability, as this is the only way to bring about improvements and continue to operate successfully as a responsible company in the future. The sustainability report transparently shows the goals and challenges Sedus is pursuing with regard to sustainability.