Workspace Design

Consulting, planning and visualisation

Are you looking for some valuable expertise in office space design?

The Sedus planning and consulting team offers all-round assistance in the design and concept of modern working environments and workplace definitions, and accompanies every project all the way from strategic planning to final implementation. The company's own international experts, consisting of architects, interior designers, engineers and workplace specialists, provide assistance in the analysis and subsequent design as well as optimisation of the working environment.

Based on the findings of the current situation, they develop possible solutions, identify opportunities and, on the basis of the results, elaborate a planning framework. The result is a sustainable, innovative office concept with the ideal work settings to support the respective activities and working methods. For a tailor-made and sustainable office concept that focuses on the company goals and the well-being of the employees.

Years of success in property consulting

Creative and international team members

Many satisfied customers and successfully completed projects

The in-house team of international experts, such as architects, interior designers, engineers, workplace psychologists and certified workplace specialists is looking forward to supporting you in your project.

Tel.: +49 (0) 2942 501-0

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Our concept

The Sedus Solutions create the basis for the office of the future. In order to bring the expectations and needs of employees down to a common denominator, the working environment should meet four fundamental requirements: Space for concentration, communication, collaboration and relaxation. There are tasks that involve several employees who work together and exchange ideas with each other, and there are activities that require quiet and private areas. The Work Settings from the Sedus Solutions make it easy to implement the right environment for every type of work.

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Services at a glance

The office of the future has to satisfy the expectations and needs of the various generations which work together. Modern office solutions not only take ergonomic aspects into account, but also allow employees to choose where, how and how long they wish to work. The interplay of these factors is taken into account both in the optimisation of existing areas and in new planning.

Colours, materials and finishes can create a warm environment and change the effect of working areas. Harmonious combinations and accents play a major role in creating a sense of well-being at work and, developed at Sedus together with experts in colour design and trends, are incorporated into the office design. We also design customised product catalogues which match these designs.

The virtual reality solution is available as an innovative addition to the design and planning services. This makes it even easier to comprehend 3D planning and develop a feeling for the respective room designs. The Sedus AR app also offers the option of projecting furniture directly into your own premises via augmented reality.

Our strategy for success

To ensure a long-term and sustainable solution, the transformation experts' strategy for success is divided into three phases.

For each of these phases, a number of parameters are set:

The success factors

Sedus monitors people's needs as well as changes and trends around the workspace. This know-how is implemented in products and solutions, and insights from current studies are incorporated into planning and consulting. This ensures long-term security for planned investments.

The team of in-house specialists is complemented by a large network of external partners in order to find the optimal solution for all challenges and questions around the workspace. For a service that goes from strategy to implementation without any deviations.

In addition to ergonomic furniture, optimal planning also includes a holistic view of the workspace. Colours, materials, acoustics and room plants come into focus in order to promote well-being and productivity and to ensure an attractive working environment for the future.

Keeping an eye on the requirements – both the individual needs of the employees and the higher corporate goals. The concepts and planning developed by Sedus are not off-the-peg, but are individual solutions that promote modern working environments.

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