Press releases

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Pure form – se:café wooden chair

When organic design meets craftsmanship: the new se:café wooden chair and the new se:café lounge chair are sure to catch the eye with their timeless aesthetic. When it comes to the design of solid wood chairs, Sedus has a long history of being the best there is. This tradition is characterised by its combination of craftsmanship and innovation, as explained by designer Konstantin Thomas.

Design for Connection – The Rendezvous Office

Many organisations are asking themselves how they can create offices that are better for networking and collaboration. The office is no longer merely a space in which people work alongside each other, but where they come to meet, exchange knowledge and have ideas.
Eine Frau sitzt entspannt auf einem se:living von Sedus und arbeitet mit einem Laptop, der auf ihren Oberschenkeln ruht. Im Vordergrund ist unscharf ein se:living side table zu erkennen, der die gemütliche und flexible Atmosphäre des Raumes unterstreicht. Im Hintergrund dominiert ein großes Fenster, das den Raum mit natürlichem Licht erfüllt und einen weiten Blick auf den Garten bietet. Diese Szene veranschaulicht das Konzept des duktilem Raumes, der als flexibler Knotenpunkt in hybriden Büros dient und individuelles Arbeiten sowie den Übergang zu dezentralen Arbeitsmethoden unterstützt.

The hybrid office of the future: a great chance to make work even better?

The increasingly widespread adoption of hybrid forms of work is changing individual and corporate working culture at the most fundamental level. And it is a change that is here for good. The scope and significance of this shift has had a profound effect on people’s priorities. Managing the complexity of the changes involved will depend on collaboration and creativity at a national, organisational and personal level. The complexity and significance of this change has had a major impact on people’s priorities.

Further profitable growth: Sedus Stoll AG closes the 2023 financial year on a high

Mit einem Umsatz von ca. 259,0 Mio. Euro verzeichnet die Sedus Stoll AG im Jahr 2023 ein Wachstum von +8,8 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und liegt damit deutlich über dem Marktwachstum der Branche (+0,6 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr). Auch die Auftragseingangszahlen liegen mit ca. 247,4 Mio. Euro auf Rekordniveau.

Sedustainable: a clear vision

Sustainability is integral to Sedus, inspired by Christof Stoll’s belief that ecology and economy are inseparable. Honored as Eco-Manager of the Year by WWF in 1993, Stoll’s legacy continues. By 2025, Sedus aims for CO2 neutrality at its Dogern and Geseke sites. CEO Daniel Kittner outlines goals: reduce direct emissions by 30%, fleet emissions by 20%, and primary energy use by 60%. Additionally, Sedus plans to optimize packaging by 15% and source 80% of its wood from sustainable forestry by 2025. These initiatives reflect Sedus’s enduring commitment to ambitious sustainability targets.

Upgrade for ‘Workscape of Tomorrow’ knowledge platform: Sedus introduces Synapse Bot

In July 2023, Sedus launched ‘Workscape of Tomorrow’, a knowledge database that brings together the results of years of research into the working landscape. The platform offers a pool of information from which architects, facility managers, workspace experts and journalists can benefit. The focus is on discovering new trends and developments in the work environment and sharing knowledge. As part of the German Design Award 2023, the Workscape of Tomorrow platform received the ‘Special Mention’ award in the ‘Excellent Communications Design Web’ category.

‘Work and the City’: Sedus presents new, innovative workplace concepts at Clerkenwell Design Week

How can offices be designed to make them even more attractive to employees? These days an ‘ office or workplace must be flexible Employees want a choice of where to work and their individual needs taken into account Sedus will be demonstrating how this balancing act can be achieved at Clerkenwell Design Week from 21 to 23 May 2024.

Onwards and upwards: Sedus on course for sustained growth

With sales of approximately €259.1 million, Sedus Stoll AG recorded year on year growth of 8.8% in 2023. This was well above the overall level of growth in its sector, which was up 0.6% compared to the previous year. At around €247.3 million, incoming orders for the year 2023 are also at a record level and are driving momentum for the business in 2024.

se:lab flip a table with multiple possibilities

In a world where the working landscape is changing at an impressive pace, expectations are rising for flexible and versatile office furniture that is not only functional, but also aesthetic and of high quality. Modern offices are increasingly evolving into open, adaptable spaces, haracterised by dynamic communication areas, diverse work zones and a wide range of spatial concepts. Sedus has met this challenge with the se:lab product family, a versatile, individually configurable collection that adapts to changing needs, fostering inspiring work environments.

se:lounge light - design for well-being

New Work and numerous digital and mobile tools bring a lot of advantages. Employees can move around more independently and choose their place of work flexibly. Whether in a shared office or at home, in a coworking space or in the cafeteria, there are many different options. However, one thing always remains the same: the desire for a workplace that is also a place of well-being.

se:flair - a swivel chair for the office and home

The office is more diverse than ever before: in the ever-changing hybrid world of work, innovative approaches and solutions are required that fulfil the current requirements, needs and wishes of the workplace. Sedus is meeting these challenges with its latest product, the se:flair swivel chair.

se:living - for more cosiness and feel-good moments in the office

What do we value in an "office sofa"? Is it the cosy look and the comfort it provides? Or simply the change it offers to the classic combination of swivel chair with desk? The answers to these questions are as individual as the appearance and use of the upholstered furniture.

Sedus revolutionises the design of office and urban spaces

How can offices be designed to make them even more attractive to employees? Today, an "irresistible" office or a "tempting" workplace must be flexible and needs-orientated and offer the opportunity to choose the place of work as required. To this end, it should create an inviting atmosphere that takes into account the individual needs of employees.

Working without limits: Sedus' LOOKBOOK reveals how Europe's creatives are personalising and diversifying the urban working landscape

Everything is subject to change. Even the working environment. While a few years ago the office was still the most important workplace, many people now also work from home, in coworking spaces or while travelling. In the new LOOKBOOK, Sedus takes a look behind the scenes

The Detox Office: a way to counter digital fatigue

Think about this question for a moment: "Where do you go to recharge your batteries and decompress?” For many, the answer is: "Out in nature!" However, the connection to nature is often missing in the design of modern office spaces. A green plant here, a flower pot there - that's a given. But for many employees, that alone is not enough to make the office feel like a place of well-being. With this in mind, Sedus has developed the Detox Office concept with the aim of creating a mindful and healthy workplace.

Sedus puts new "Futura 2" production line into operation

After a planning and construction period of approximately two years each, Sedus has now commissioned the new "Futura 2" production line at its Geseke site. Germany's largest office furniture manufacturer is investing around EUR 21 million in the East Westphalian production site with the aim of securing production capacity for an expected growth in turnover.

Office cube solutions: a symbiosis of proximity and distance

Open space concepts, flexibility and new working styles will characterise offices of the future. This brings many advantages: entrenched structures are dissolved, communication and collaboration are supported. Working in close proximity, with flexible meetings and spontaneous exchange, means that we are already shaping space in everyday working life.

“Workscape of Tomorrow”: German Design Award for a new knowledge platform NEW WORK

What awaits us in the future? How can we shape the Future of Work? Whenever there are new trends, new insights are gained or new ideas are born, Sedus is always in tune with the times. Only those who are always up to date can make future-proof decisions about the working world of tomorrow – which is why Sedus wants to share this knowledge.

Continuing on the road to success: Sedus Stoll Group closes 2022 financial year with record turnover

With sales of EUR 238.1 million, the Sedus Stoll Group was able to record sales gains of 21.5 % in the 2022 financial year. Abroad, the group of companies achieved revenues of around EUR 109.4 million and consolidated its position as an international player with an increase of 23.5 %.

Multiple awards: Modern chair design from Sedus wins numerous awards in 2023

Today more than ever, outstanding design means finding answers to the challenges of our time. Circular thinking, sustainable product development and a design standard that emphasises the longevity of the design are just a few of the keywords that make new products unique. The development and design of chairs in particular often becomes the focus of attention.

Show your colours: With “The Limbic Office”, Sedus embarks on a voyage of discovery of the "brand" personality

Is it possible to express both your own and the brand personality in the design of the working environment through colours? Can a clever choice of colour concepts create an environment that evokes positive emotions? And can the use of colour combinations, shades and contrasts create a feel-good atmosphere that motivates employees and promotes creativity?

se:dot – sitting made easy

The office is a hub for personal exchange as well as a central location for planned and informal meetings. Classic workspaces are no longer just characterised by desks and swivel chairs; rather, they also come with homely elements that provide the feel-good factor.

Going green: Sedus transforms offices into green oases with new plant elements

Plants enhance well-being in the office, can reduce stress, have a motivating effect and increase the satisfaction of employees. They also enrich the air with oxygen and humidity, filter pollutants from the air we breathe and thus ensure a healthy indoor climate.

se:air - hybrid swivel chair with impressive design

The trend towards flexible workspace concepts and creative communicative work calls for furniture that adapts automatically to the user and is easy to handle no matter where work is being done. In open spaces, in individual offices and in the home office light and delicate design is more in demand than ever.

A Global Partnership has been Sealed: Sedus Stoll AG and Watson Furniture Group Agree on Strategic Cooperation

It was the right time at Orgatec 2022 (the leading international trade fair for the office sector), for the formalised global partnership to be signed between Sedus Stoll AG and the US office furniture manufacturer Watson Furniture Group For both companies, the global partnership is a logical next step.

The Detox Office a mindful ecosystem for the workplace

The events of recent years and the resulting considerations about work are leading to major changes in the workplace. Employees are now increasingly seeking a more balanced work model, and companies are
becoming more aware of the importance of employee health and well being, partly in response to new expectations.

Made for the home office: classy, ergonomic furniture from Sedus blends harmoniously into any home

The more often we work from home, the higher the demands are on our own home office. After all, it really shouldn't just serve a functional purpose; the working environment in our own home should also be a place of well-being. This means sufficient space, harmonious design and ergonomic furniture that promotes concentration and productivity.

Excellent development: Sedus Stoll AG on course for further growth

A look back at the 2022 financial year underlines the positive trend of Germany's largest office furniture manufacturer: With a turnover of approx. EUR 236 million, Sedus Stoll AG recorded growth of +21% compared to the previous year, which is significantly higher than the market growth of the industry (+8% compared to the previous year). The number of incoming orders is also at a record high of approx. EUR 240 million, providing a tailwind for the start of the new year.

Outstanding achievement: Sedus receives the German Design Award for the se:lounge chair

Today more than ever, exceptional design means finding answers to the challenges of our time. Circular thinking, sustainable product development and a design approach that emphasises longevity are just a few keywords that make new products unique. Every year, the international jury from the German Design Award honours these groundbreaking design achievements. In the "Excellent Product Design Furniture" category, the se:lounge chair from Sedus has now been chosen as the winner and honoured with a German Design Award 2023.

Changes in the management board of Sedus Stoll AG

Due to different ideas regarding the long-term orientation of the company, Mr. Kargruber left Sedus Stoll AG on 10. January 2023 by mutual agreement.

”Surge for Water”: Sedus highlights its 3-year partnership as main sponsor of the "Design, Dine, make a Difference" Gala

Water is the source of life and a basic need of everyday life. However, constant access to clean and safe water is not a given for many people. The Surge for Water charity aims to change that. Sedus has been supporting the Surge for Water initiative for over three years.

For more possibilities: Sedus expands the se:lab product family

Different structures, different needs, new working concepts. Modern offices are increasingly transforming into Open Spaces and are characterised by communication zones in between, decentralised work areas and various space concepts.

se:kit – an office swivel chair just the way I like it

Regardless of how and where work is done – our working environments, tasks and needs are quite different. Everyone has different requirements for a workplace and the demands placed on a suitable office swivel chair are as varied as the users themselves.

se:matrix – storage space meets zoning

Desk to desk, adjacent to a pedestal, was yesterday – today, offices are defined by non-territorial workplaces and open spaces. In this context, efficient use of space and areas designed to meet specific needs are a major focus.

Smart Working – Sedus further expands its expertise by collaborating with Cisco

Smart Working is not just a trend, but a real competitive advantage. Where fixed workplaces and rigid structures used to dominate office landscapes, more and more companies are now benefiting from the advantages of the smart working concept.

se:air – designed to inspire

The more hybrid, agile and individual the work becomes, the more dynamic and uncomplicated the office swivel chair needs to be – no matter where the work is done.

Sedus to spotlight individualisation at Orgatec

The workplace has always played an important role as a meeting space in people's lives. Characterised by collaboration and togetherness, the connection to each other has been practised and encouraged.

se:desk home certified by TÜV Rheinland as a desk for the home office

Officially tested and found to be safe – the se:desk home work table has received the TÜV Rhineland/LGA certification “Sit-stand desk for living areas” as the first electric motor height-adjustable table.

Cooperation between IED Barcelona and Sedus

Intelligent furniture, immersive gastronomic spaces and futuristic libraries integrated into nature are just some of the proposals put forward by students of interior and product design at Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Barcelona, who inspired the team at Sedus at the end of their four-year course.

The Individual Collective: Redesigning the working environment

The future of work – and we’re right in the middle of it. How can companies support the work of today and tomorrow in such a way that everyone can live out their talents in the best possible way and feel comfortable?

On course for growth: Sedus Stoll Group ends the 2021 financial year on a clear positive note

Dogern, Germany – With a turnover of EUR 195.9 million, the Sedus Stoll Group was able to record sales gains of 6.5% in the 2021 financial year.

se:cube max and se:works: Designing Flexible Spaces

Open-plan concepts, flexibility and new working styles characterise the office of the future. This development goes hand-in-hand a number of benefits: deep-rooted structures are being broken down, while communication and cooperation are promoted.

se:lounge – a designer chair for work and well-being

With se:lounge, Sedus is now meeting the demand for a place to arrive, sit down and simply feel good: The brand's first lounge chair brings cosiness and comfort into the office.

Sedus opens showroom for visitors of Clerkenwell Design Week

Clerkenwell Design Week is back. After a two-year break, London's biggest design event is celebrating its creative return and Sedus is taking part, as it has done every year since 2013. The German office furniture manufacturer is opening the doors of its showroom to design enthusiasts and in 2022, there are a few special highlights.

open up – an office swivel chair that continues to write design history

Each year, World Design Day is celebrated on April 27. The intention behind this day is clearly defined: It aims to raise public awareness of the value of design and its ability to make a difference in the world.

Focus on sustainability

Sedus sets an example furnishing CAMPUS GERMANY at Expo 2020 Dubai

Sedus Stoll AG 2020 annual financial statements

Dogern, Germany – With a turnover of EUR 184.0 million, the Sedus Stoll Group faced a total drop in turnover of -12.4% in the first year of the pandemic. Despite all the difficult circumstances, the 2020 business year ended with a solid profit of EUR 2.54 million.

150 years of Sedus Stoll

With the motto "Sedus since 1871", Sedus Stoll AG is celebrating its 150th birthday. The associated image of the tree is a symbol of the essence and uniqueness of the company: consistent, close to nature, natural and caring. Sedus has always pursued its very own strategy without much hype, and conquered its firm place in the office world with passion, commitment and its inventive spirit.

Sedus mourns Holger Jahnke

The employees of the Sedus Stoll Group mourn Holger Jahnke, Supervisory Board Spokesperson and Member of the Management Board responsible for Marketing and Sales of Sedus Stoll AG., who died suddenly and unexpectedly on 10 November 2020 at the age of 55.

Sedus Stoll AG: Change in the management board

As of 1 July 2020, Cornel Spohn has become the member of the management board responsible for finance, personnel and IT, taking over from Carl-Heinz Osten, who worked as a management board member for the Sedus Stoll Group for almost 20 years and is now retiring.
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