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Konstantin Thomas at the Klima Festival Berlin
News 28/11/2024

Climate Festival for the Construction Industry of the Future, in Berlin: Sedus in dialogue about circular design

On November 21 and 22, 2024, Berlin became a hotspot for sustainable building: Experts from the construction and furniture industries came together at the Climate Festival for the Construction Industry of the Future to discuss sustainable concepts and innovative approaches. Their event strapline, “Together we are changing the construction industry. Sustainable. Taking responsibility. Shaping the future,” offered a platform for inspiration and networking.

Sedus was on site as a partner and set a strong signal for the future of the (office) furniture industry, with a centrally located lounge as well as participation in the panel talk, “Circular interior design - ecological strategies in furniture construction”.
Carbon Footprint Calculator
Sustainability 08/11/2024

How does the Carbon Footprint Calculator work?

On request, Sedus calculates the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for individual products (Product Carbon Footprint) or a complete individual project (Project Carbon Footprint). This blog post explains how it works.
A woman cooks pumpkin soup
Wellbeing 06/11/2024

Cream of pumpkin soup based on Emma Stoll's beloved recipe

The tradition of healthy and conscious eating has a long history at Sedus, dating back to the 1950s. Back then, Emma Stoll, the wife of the then company chairman Christof Stoll, began providing the company's employees with wholesome, healthy meals. Just a few years ago, Emma Stoll would have celebrated her 100th birthday and it is with deep gratitude that Sedus remembers her commitment, which laid the foundation for today's company well-being kitchen.
Sustainability 15/10/2024

The Eulenhof: a place for sustainability, community and sustainable agriculture

Right next to the Sedus headquarters in Dogern is the Eulenhof, an organic farm that is characterised by passion, community and sustainable agriculture. We recently had the pleasure of talking to Matthias Kuhn, the farm manager, about the philosophy, the daily work and his vision for the future. It quickly became clear that the Eulenhof is more than just a place where food is produced. It is a living space where biodiversity, a sense of community and a deep connection to nature take centre stage. In the following interview, Matthias talks about his personal experiences, challenges and the principles that define the Eulenhof.
Nachhaltige Beschaffung von Rohstoffen bei Sedus
Sustainability 07/08/2024

How do we ensure the sustainable procurement of raw materials?

For environmentally conscious procurement of raw materials, it is important to keep transport routes as short as possible and to use certified materials. Sedus stands for office furniture that is ‘Made in Germany’ and has done so since 1871, and also takes comprehensive measures for a systematic sustainability strategy.
Sustainability 14/06/2024

Sustainability has always been in Sedus' DNA

Since its foundation in 1871 by Albert Stoll I, Sedus has firmly anchored the principles of ecology, economy and social responsibility in its corporate philosophy. The tree in the company logo symbolises the values of the company: consistency, closeness to nature, humanity and a clear focus on the future.
News 03/06/2024

Sedustainable: A path full of commitment and responsibility

Sustainability is deeply rooted in Sedus’ DNA. As early as 1993, Christof Stoll coined the groundbreaking phrase: ‘Ecology and economy are not opposites, but indispensable parts of the whole.’ Albert Stoll’s grandson recognised early on that entrepreneurial activity inevitably entails social responsibility and that ecological and economic interests can work together harmoniously.
Sustainability 07/02/2024

se:lounge light – the new chair with PET felt shell

There is an increasing focus on the impact of our decisions on the environment, and this also applies to the design of our living and working areas. The new shell chair from Sedus is not only a statement in terms of design and comfort, but also focuses on sustainability with its unique PET felt shell.
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